Friday, February 12, 2010

"Thin places are those times where the division between this world and the eternal fades"~Mary DeMuth

My dad taught me that we can get a glimpse of Heaven every day. We can make the choice to live a life full of Jesus, and experience Heaven here. There are a lot of reasons that we can complain, or instead we can look beyond our circumstances, and see Jesus.

He was born with a hole in his heart. He found out when my mom was pregnant with my older brother. My dad was sick my entire life. He never complained. He died when I was 13. He showed me that we can live in that thin place where we feel like we experience a piece of Heaven often.

It happens daily. I get a glimpse of Heaven every time I watch my son. I was experiencing the thin place feeling the other day when I was outside playing in the snow with my 3 year old. He decided it would be fun to stand on the corner and wave at the cars driving by. He waved in expectation. He expected the people in the cars to wave back at him. I saw a lot of people smiling that day. I felt a lot of joy playing in the snow with my son.

I was lost in the significance of the moment. My son expected. I should expect more. I want to expect more from God. I expect him to wave back when I wave at him.

I experience that thin place often. I am blessed. I thank God for allowing me to experience Heaven in simple things.

1 comment:

  1. Oh to be like your son (and your father) who love life so well!
