imagine i did something really, really, really stupid when i was 20. imagine i sold pot at a park. i should have gotten a felony. instead i got some jail time and community service and it was talked down to a misdemeanor. during this jail time and community service i decided to repent. so, i repented. i wanted to live for Jesus. but, people still look at me as a criminal. people still look at me as a druggie. people won't allow me to live to my potential... even though God called me to do things beyond i could ever imagine. God is God and i am not. unfortunately not everyone has been gifted with the gift of discernment and grace. i have been clean for 10 years... ever since that last time 10 years ago. are you ready to forgive me yet? are you ready to live the life that God has called me to?
what if? what if God calls a person that lived the above life into full time ministry? would they be accepted? does it matter if they would be accepted by men? how would they pursue that ministry if they weren't accepted by men?
are all sins the same? of course they are. and they aren't. but, when it is past... does God offer the same grace... the same potential? hmmmmmm... something to ponder.